Organic Harveste

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Richness in Nutrients: Tomatoes are a great source of important vitamins and minerals. They are very high in vitamin C, with each serving offering over 28% of the daily required amount. Strong antioxidant vitamin C promotes collagen production for beautiful skin, strengthens the immune system, and facilitates iron absorption.

Antioxidant Properties: One of the best foods for obtaining antioxidants is tomatoes, especially lycopene. The carotenoid component lycopene gives tomatoes and other fruits like pink grapefruit and watermelon their red hue. Strong antioxidant that aids in scavenging damaging free radicals from the body, lowering inflammation and oxidative stress.

Digestive Health and Weight Management: One medium-sized tomato has around 1.5 grams of dietary fiber, making tomatoes a rich source of dietary fiber. Because it encourages regular bowel movements, prevents constipation, and supports the growth of good gut flora, fiber is crucial for preserving digestive health.

Benefits for Heart Health: Tomatoes’ rich vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content supports heart health in a number of ways. For example, potassium helps control blood pressure by neutralizing the effects of sodium. An important risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular disorders is high blood pressure. Cancer Prevention: Lycopene is a prospective candidate for both cancer prevention and treatment due to its strong antioxidant effects. The risk of some malignancies, especially prostate cancer, is inversely correlated with lycopene consumption, according to several epidemiological research. Lycopene has shown anti-cancer benefits in lab tests and animal models through tumor growth inhibition, angiogenesis suppression, and cancer cell apoptosis. Sun Protection and Skin Health: Vitamins C, A, and lycopene can help protect skin from UV ray damage and also help maintain healthy skin. While vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) promotes skin cell turnover and repair, vitamin C is necessary for the manufacture of collagen, which helps preserve the suppleness and firmness of skin.
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Product Name : Tomatoes