The tropical fruit known by its scientific name, longan (Dimocarpus longan), is indigenous to Southeast Asia, especially China, Thailand, and Vietnam. Consistently called “dragon eye” because of the way the fruit looks when it’s peeled, longan belongs to the same family as lychee (Sapindaceae).
Important attributes:
Longan fruits have a spherical, compact appearance that makes them resemble grapes in size. Their exterior shell is thin, dark, and has a hint of leatheriness.
Texture: After the outer shell is peeled off, a solitary black seed is encased in the longan’s translucent flesh. Juicy and slightly gelatinous, the meat makes for a delightful and revitalizing meal.
Flavor: The exquisite sweetness of longan fruits is accompanied by flowery notes. Even though they have a sweeter taste than lychee, they are usually less sweet.
Aroma: Longan has a faint scent that is reminiscent of its tropical roots, although it is not as strong as lychee’s.